The Sydney Hernia Specialists Clinic is the first hernia clinic in the world to offer key hole hernia repair via a SINGLE small incision for virtually all abdominal hernias irrespective of the number and size.
Our recently published world-first prospective randomised controlled study, using commercially available purpose-designed single-port device, demonstrated that, compared to the traditional multi-incisions, single-incision laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair showed statistically significant reduction in post-operative pain, reduced analgesic requirements, earlier return to work and improved cosmesis. Through the innovative and exemplary care of his patients with hernias Dr Tran has recently been awarded the Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Sydney with the thesis entitled "Advances in Minimally Invasive Hernia Surgery".
The routine use of the single incision laparoscopic surgery is consistent with the research and educational philosophy at our hernia clinic which nurtures the quest for innovative ways to improve patient care. Dr Tran, Director of the Sydney Hernia Specialists, is a highly accomplished hernia surgeon specialising in key hole repair of different types of hernias including the groin, abdomen, belly button and stoma. Having performed over 3000 keyhole hernia repairs, he has also published numerous research articles.